Squishy Pirate Switcheroo

Shiver me timbers, you powder monkey scallywag! Tonight we'll crack a bottle and you'll be with us! You and me and the hearties all around; a chanty in our ears and one clap of thunder after another!

But keep an weather eye open and never - NEVER confuse one pirate for another...

Or you'll be shark food.

As a Drinking Game?

Just take turns in "Hot Chair" mode. Whoever loses their turn must drink!

Specs for Game Jam

The yellow shapes are a product of delauneys triangulation called a "Voronoi Diagram", for which I had found a Repo on Github. The diagram is continuously being "relaxed" through an algorithm named "Loyds Relaxation", which ensures that the individual cells of the diagram can't move through each other.

I'm translating each cell into a mesh, that has a stencil buffer shader applied to it - a technique used to render portals or other impossible geometry,

only in this case, the stenciled area defines which pixels of pirate butts and faces end up on screen.

The actual models of those little "pirates" are basically just textured spheres, which get rotated and swapped at runtime.

That's because, I planned for my pirates to show different expressions by rotating and swapping their models at runtime, depending on if the player wins or loses a round.

But what can I say? Drawing is hard.

On top of this basic setup, I'm using a behavior tree to control the entire game from start to finish. I'll add a screenshot of it.


Music from "PNG Music"
Background image by
Voronoi Diagrams by  https://github.com/OskarSigvardsson/unity-delaunay/tree/master/Assets/Plugins/De...
Krita 5.1.6 (to draw the pirates)
Made with Unity Engine 2022.3.7f1

Behaviour Tree Setup


to AI and Games for hosting this GameJam. 

It was fun.


switcheroo.zip 20 MB

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